

David v Goliath: In DC, Goliath Always Wins

The Latest from Seton Motley | Less Government | LessGovernment.org
Pay DC – Write DC’s Laws for It

Most of us know the Biblical tale – located in 1 Samuel 17:41-52.  In which the much smaller David – managed to slay the much larger Goliath.

Modern day Washington, D.C. is about as anti-Biblical as one can get – without going full-on Sodom and Gomorrah.

Although with Epstein Island – many DC denizens and their many cronies were getting pretty close.

One lesson to be taken from the Biblical David’s victory – is that might shouldn’t always make right.  That better ideas and thoughts, planning and execution – should be able to overcome mere muscle.

The point of our representative Constitutional republic – was to ensconce in government and law that civilizing concept.  That bigger – isn’t always better.  That brute force – can’t be the nation’s sole governing principle.

Except in DC – for decades now – brute force has been all that matters.  Might – and only might – has made right.

DC’s power brokers aren’t aren’t warriors – they’re lobbyists.  They aren’t wearing armor – they’re wearing $10,000 suits and $5,000 shoes.  And they’re being paid many millions of dollars per annum – to dictate terms and policy to our alleged representatives. (more…)

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