

In Retrospect? Lots of Reagan Policies – Didn’t Work. Let’s Keep What Did

The Latest from Seton Motley | Less Government | LessGovernment.org
I’ve Never Owned Rose-Colored Glasses….

It’s an ongoing debate as to who said it – but it is eminently important:

“When the facts change, I change my mind. What do you do, Sir?”

As it turns out – hindsight isn’t always 20/20.

Most Republicans old enough to remember Ronald Wilson Reagan – still deify him.

Except subsequent US history – has been exceedingly unkind to much of his history as our nation’s 40th President.

This needs to be acknowledged.  Because today’s Republicans are citing Reagan-ism in defense of all sorts of exceedingly stupid policies.

To wit: Republicans cite Reagan-ism as the reason to continue sending hundreds of billons of US dollars we don’t have – to an irrelevant border skirmish between Russia and Ukraine.

We of course have no idea what Reagan would do now.  But if he would have supported this particular bit of foreign policy idiocy?  He would have been very, very wrong.

It is fair to speculate that he might have supported it.  His chief alleged accomplishment was described by British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher as “winning the Cold War without firing a shot.”

Except we didn’t win the Cold War.  We’re losing it – right now. (more…)

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