Most-Left-Senator, ‘Border Czar’ Harris – Was the ‘Broadband Czar’ Too

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This debacle yet again reminds of my definition of Socialism:

“Socialism is great – because it guarantees everyone equal amounts of nothing.

Selected-not-elected Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris – is a horrifically Leftist human being.

Which The Government-Media Complex is now trying to bury.

Webpage That Rated Kamala Harris the ‘Most Liberal’ Senator in 2019 Suddenly Disappears

Selected-not-elected Democrat presidential candidate Kamala Harris – was named by President Joe Biden as his “Border Czar.”  To be the administration’s point person on the massive illegal alien invasion Biden had unleashed upon US.

March 24, 2021: Biden Tasks Harris With Tackling Migrant Influx on US-Mexico Border:

Announcing Ms Harris’s appointment as his immigration czar, Mr Biden told reporters and officials at the White House: ‘She’s the most qualified person to do it….’”

Emphasis ours.  Because The Government-Media Complex is now trying to bury any iteration of the title.

Media Outlets Backtrack on ‘Border Czar’ Title After Harris Assumes Biden’s Mantle

Why is everyone fleeing from the title?  Because they spent the last three-plus years fleeing from the issue – and it has been an unmitigated disaster.

Final FY23 Numbers Show Worst Year at America’s Borders – Ever

So Harris was the most Leftist Senator.  And she was our nation’s disastrous Border Czar.  And the Government-Media Complex is trying to bury all of it.

So what do you think The Complex will do to this…?

May 5, 2021: Vice President Harris Takes on the Effort for Internet Equity:

“Vice President Harris is now in charge of a push to get better internet across the U.S. Getting this right could have big stakes for her political future.”

“Big stakes for her political future,” eh?  So – how’d she do?:

July 24, 2024: “Hundreds of broadband infrastructure builders are now sounding the alarm, writing that the $42 billion plan to expand Internet has been wired to fail.

“President Biden put VP Harris in charge of this effort back in 2021 and 982 days later (and counting) not 1 person has been connected.”

If I am forced to choose between The Government-Media Complex  – and hundreds of broadband infrastructure builders – on how Harris’ efforts are going?

I’m going to go with the hundreds of broadband infrastructure builders…:

“It is with both a sense of alarm and urgency that we write to alert you to the reality that growing numbers of the hundreds of local and regional broadband providers we represent are increasingly concerned about their ability to participate in the Broadband, Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) program….

“Without significant and immediate changes of approach toward its implementation, we are concerned the program will fail to advance our collective goal of connectivity for all Americans.”

So Harris – the woman placed in charge of “Internet Equity?”

Has spent much of the $42 billion earmarked for “Internet Equity” – and connected zero people to the Internet.

This debacle yet again reminds of my definition of Socialism:

“Socialism is great – because it guarantees everyone equal amounts of nothing.”

Under Harris’ “Internet Equity” stewardship – everyone receives equal amounts of nothing.

Everyone – except government, of course.

Government got our $42 billion – and got to waste all of it.

Which is exactly how DC – and governments everywhere – always work.

So by all means:

Let’s elect the least competent, most pro-government Senator ever – President.

Because that’ll fix things.