Billionaire Sandlers’ Non-Prof Buys Perhaps the World’s Transparently Worst Poll

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Push and Shove Poll

Polling in Washington, DC isn’t meant to reflect public opinion – it is meant to shape it.

Slanted questions – written to elicit slanted answers.

AKA “push polling”:

“(A)n interactive marketing technique, most commonly employed during political campaigning, in which a person or organization attempts to manipulate or alter prospective voters’ views under the guise of conducting an opinion poll.”

Reality was recently tortured by such a poll – conducted by the Center for Responsible Lending (CRL):

“We are a national voice against abusive financial practices.”

Except the CRL advocates for the abusive practices of government – against (certain, specific) financial institutions.

Abusive practices of government – always benefit Big Business.  Because Big Biz can afford to purchase Big Gov – and dictate and direct its abusive practices.

Abusive government practices – is exactly for what CRL’s recent push poll calls:

“A new poll from the bipartisan polling team Lake Research Partners and Chesapeake Beach Consulting provides fresh evidence that voters across the political spectrum solidly support a strong Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB)….

“Voters overwhelmingly believe regulation of financial services to protect consumers is important, and that there should be more of it.”

All of the poll questions – are ridiculously slanted.

Not mentioned in any of the poll questions?  Is the history of the policies – which the pollsters ask be continued in the future.

The CFPB – is a mutant creation of the mutant 2010 Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act.  Which DC passed in the wake of the 2008 Big Gov-Big Bank-induced global financial collapse.

We were told by DC that Dodd-Frank would end what were known as the “too big to fail” Big Banks.  Instead, it doubled down on them.

Dodd-Frank and its CFPB – have murdered many thousands of small and mid-size banks.  Which the “too big to fail” Big Banks – then buy up on the cheap.  Thus allowing the Big Banks – to keep getting bigger and bigger.

The CFPB has done absolutely nothing to modify its behavior – to modify these horrendous results.  Because these horrendous results – are the point of the CFPB’s behavior.

Meanwhile, the CFPB has been doing this….

Why Is ‘Too Big to Fail’ DC – Mega-Targeting Tiny Short-Term Lenders?:

“What has the CFPB been doing – over and over and over again – instead of looking at the Big Banks for which the CFPB was allegedly created?…

“The CFPB has been tormenting teeny, tiny short-term lenders.  All of whom in the US combined – don’t have but a teeny, tiny fraction of the Market Cap of any one of the Big Banks.”

Short-term lenders don’t actually have a Market Cap.  Because they’re too teeny and tiny – to go public and get a Market listing.

But that’s who the CFPB has been targeting.  For years.  Because that’s who the Big Banks want the CFPB targeting.

Why would the CRL want this?:

“The founders of CRL are Herbert Sandler and his wife Marion Sandler, founders of the Sandler Foundation.

“The Sandlers have been heavily criticized for their role in the 2008 financial crisis.

“Their financial company, Golden West, was one of the many banks to offer the adjustable rate mortgages that were blamed for the subprime mortgage crisis. The Sandlers’ ties to the financial crisis were detailed by CBS’s 60 Minutes.”

Blameworthy: Marion and Herb Sandler:

“In the early 1980s, the Sandlers’ World Savings Bank became the first to sell a tricky home loan called the option ARM (Adjustable Rate Mortgage).

“And they pushed the mortgage, which offered several ways to back-load your loan and thereby reduce your early payments, with increasing zeal and misleading advertisements over the next two decades.

“The couple pocketed $2.3 billion when they sold their bank to Wachovia in 2006.

“But losses on World Savings’ loan portfolio led to the implosion of Wachovia, which was sold under duress…to Wells Fargo.”

The Big Bank Sandlers and their CRL?  Want the CFPB to go after short-term lenders – because they are competitors to Big Banks.

And whatever the Big Bank Sandlers want?  DC delivers.

In fact, on the short-term lender regs?  The CFPB was nothing more than the Sandlers’ stenographer:

“For more than a year before CFPB put out its proposed rule to crack down on payday lenders, the Center for Responsible Lending and other advocacy groups, such as the National Consumer Law Center, worked with the agency to help craft the proposal, according to emails and documents released by CFPB to comply with a recent Freedom of Information Act request….

“The emails between CRL and CFPB staffers document regular meetings and close collaboration.”

So the Big Bank Sandlers own the CFPB.

And the Big Bank Sandlers’ CRL just released a poll – calling for much more hyper-activity from the CFPB.  Which they own.

One has to think:

If the CRL’s poll victims were informed of all this history – prior to being asked the poll questions?

The poll’s results would be…more than a little different.

But then it wouldn’t be a push poll – would it?