Everyone Is ‘Cutting the Cord’ – Except Government, Of Course

The Latest from Seton Motley | Less Government | LessGovernment.org
The Future of America…

Government is never, EVER ahead of the curve.  It is ALWAYS decades behind it.

The examples are as numerous as the stars in the sky.

The United States’ Military-Industrial-Complex (MIC) has for many decades been guilty of “fighting the last war.”

Meaning they engage in a war.  And then afterwards – reshape themselves to fight that war again.

Except the next war – is almost never like the last one.

Next Major War Will Be ‘Very Different’

How America Found Itself Fighting the Last War – Again

Which means they are always, inherently un-prepared for the next one.

US Isn’t Ready for a War of Great Powers

How the Army Is (Not) Preparing for the Next War

As previously stated, government is rife with this idiocy.

Government has for several decades been engaged in a whiplash-inducing war on the Internet.

Government attacks the Internet….

Net Neutrality Deja Vu: The Biden Administration’s Attempt to Regulate Broadband Giants Was Just Blocked in Court – Again

When Government Colludes With Big Tech to Censor Americans

And government simultaneously subsidizes the Internet.  Illegally and ineffectively, of course….

Fifth Circuit Declares Universal Service Fund Unconstitutional

Why Has Joe Biden’s $42 Billion Broadband Program Not Connected One Single Household?:

“Contained within the 2021 infrastructure bill, the Broadband Equity Access and Deployment (BEAD) program authorized more than $42 billion in grants, to ‘connect everyone in America to reliable, affordable high-speed internet by the end of the decade.’”

Except we already connected everyone – a decade ago….

Obama Admitted 98% of Americans Were Fast-Internet-Connected – in 2015

And connection technology has spent that decade – getting orders-of-magnitude faster and better.

Despite All Odds, Global Internet Speeds Continue Impressive Increase

Wireless and satellite connections – are now amazingly fast and strong.

How Fast Are 4G and 5G?:

“4G offers maximum real-world download speeds up to around 100Mbps….

“5G is far faster still….(2023 R)eal-world download speeds are averaging around 70-205Mbps, but networks claim peak speeds of 1Gbps or more are already possible, and in future 5G could become far faster still, once the infrastructure and technologies improve.”

Vodafone and Cohere Boost 5G Capacity by 50% in Test of New Software

Satellite Internet Explained:

“Satellite internet speeds have come light years compared to the last decade with some download speeds increasing to 100 Mbps.”

You’ll note both cellular and satellite already get to 100 Mbps (and beyond) – with the tech hurtling those numbers skyward (SWIDT?).

That’s a magic government number….

The FCC Now Says Broadband Speed Should Be at Least 100 Mbps

Great.  Cellular and satellite have been there – and have been doing that.

Except government – counts neither cellular nor satellite as an internet connection.

DC lies – to mass-inflate the “unconnected” numbers.  So as to corruptly “justify” their continued massive, illegal spending – to “connect the unconnected.”

All that unconstitutional government broadband money is being ineffectively spent – because it is being spent solely on hardline broadband connections.

Which is in part why the BEAD program has spent $42 billion to connect people – and hasn’t connected any people.

The vanishingly few people who aren’t connected – can’t be connected via hard-lines.

The US – is a HUGE place.  LOTS of people – live in VERY REMOTE areas.

Digging hundreds of miles of trenches – to lay hundreds of miles of cable – to connect a dozen or so people?  Is an exceedingly stupid thing to do.

So of course the government is wasting hundreds of billons of dollars – doing exactly that.  In fact, that’s their exclusive “solution” – to “connecting the unconnected.”

Meanwhile, the “unconnected” have been connected for a decade now – via cellular and satellite.

How far does wireless broadband reach – and how fast is it?

Remote Amazon Tribe Finally Gets Internet, Gets Hooked on Porn and Social Media:

“A remote tribe in the Amazon rainforest is getting to experience the wonders of the internet for the first time, thanks to Elon Musk’s satellite network Starlink.”

A satellite connection is seamlessly delivering videos – to the middle of the Amazon jungle.

Except DC doesn’t count satellite – or even faster cellular – as a connection.

And forget the rural areas of the US – urbanites and suburbanites everywhere are less and less interested in being tethered.  The modern vernacular – is “cutting the cord”….

Ready to Ditch Cable? 5 Tips for Cutting the Cord:

“Fed up with the costs and limitations of cable?”

And that article published – December 16, 2019.  A half decade ago.

Now, most people are “cutting the cord” – to get rid of cable’s television service…:

“Consider subscribing to a video-streaming service instead….”

Americans Are Cord Cutting In Record Numbers – And It’s Not Slowing Down Anytime Soon

But if that’s been going on for a half-decade-plus – while cellular and satellite speeds continue to rocket ever skyward?

How long will it be before people en masse start “cutting the cord” – of Internet service?

Not very long – is my guess….

Cellular Home Internet: Who’s Got It and What It Could Mean for You:

“(M)any big telecommunications companies offer these plans – and 5G technology promises to make some of them even better….”

Best Satellite Internet Providers for 2024

So the real world of the US?  Is hurtling away from fixed, hardline, immobile Internet connections.

While the fake world of DC?  Continues to pretend only fixed, hardline, immobile Internet connections exist.

And DC continues to unconstitutionally waste hundreds of billions of dollars – not connecting anyone to them.

Because government is, as always, fighting the last war.

Because government remains, as always, exceedingly stupid and corrupt.