The planet has a bit of a nuclear weapon proliferation problem.
Many of the Good Guys have them.
The Story of How Britain Got Nuclear Weapons
France Has Lots of Nuclear Weapons
India’s Nuclear Weapons Arsenal Keeps Getting Bigger and Bigger
Included herein is a Good Guy – who may or may not have them.
Does Israel Really Have Nuclear Weapons?
And more and more of the Bad Guys have them.
The Big China Nuclear Threat No One Is Talking About
Russia’s Putin Unveils ‘Invincible’ Nuclear Weapons
Pakistan Has Lots of Nuclear Weapons
How Did North Korea Get Nuclear Weapons?
Excellent question. Often, because the alleged Good Guys – are very, VERY stupid.
You Can Thank Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton for North Korea’s Nukes
If a Bad Guy wants to get there – they can often count on an alleged Good Guy being very, VERY stupid.
Fact-Check: Yes, the (Barack Obama) Nuclear Deal Hands ‘$150 Billion’ Over to Iran
The planet has a bit of a nuclear weapon proliferation problem….
Since They All Have Nukes And Missiles – We Absolutely Should Have Missile Defense
Right now, the only missile defense system we have doing any missile defensing – is the Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GMD):
“The Ground-Based Midcourse Defense (GMD) element of the Ballistic Missile Defense System provides Combatant Commanders the capability to engage and destroy limited intermediate- and long-range ballistic missile threats in space to protect the United States….
“Ground-Based Interceptors are emplaced at Fort Greely, Alaska and Vandenberg Air Force Base, California. A total of 44 interceptors are currently emplaced.”
A key component of the GMD – is the Redesigned Kill Vehicle (RKV):
“The RKV is meant as an upgrade and supplement to the current Exo-Atmospheric Kill Vehicle, or EKV.
“Both systems are ground-based interceptors for the U.S. Missile Defense Agency designed to defend the U.S. mainland against long-range ballistic missile attacks.
“The RKV offers improved maneuverability and targeting performance compared to the EKV, which has a poor test record.”
Except – the Defense Department (DoD) just killed the RKV.
Pentagon Terminates Program for Redesigned Kill Vehicle, Preps for New Competition
Have there been tech issues? There have:
“The EKV, designed to destroy targets in high-speed collisions after separating from a booster rocket, has struggled in testing….”
There were problems. As there always are at some point with almost all things – especially things this high-tech and uber-sophisticated.
But we can take solace:
In the history of each and every thing that has worked – there was a time when each and every one of them didn’t work.
And the problems we were having – were being fixed:
“(It) has performed reliably in major test events in recent years including a complex salvo test earlier this year.”
Instead of the current, intact, in-place, improving system – what does the DoD have planned?:
“Now that the RKV is dead in the water, the Pentagon plans to move forward with a new, next-generation interceptor competition, the statement said.”
Except – are we anywhere near a “new, next-generation interceptor?” We’re not even close:
“The defense official said the Pentagon is still working through the details of a new, next-generation interceptor competition, including when it will be initiated and the pace at which the technology will be developed and fielded.”
The Defense Department hasn’t even yet decided what “new, next-generation interceptor” means. Because the DoD doesn’t even yet know what a “new, next-generation interceptor” is.
This is like killing the automobile – and then beginning the process of identifying the next mode of transportation. Which hasn’t even yet been conceived.
Well, in the meantime – we need to get around. So don’t preemptively kill the car.
And in the meantime – we need a missile defense system. So don’t preemptively kill the RKV.
Since the current missile defense system is the only missile defense system even conceived – let’s keep it around.
At the very least – until you can actually define what “new, next-generation interceptor” means.
Our national security is far too important – to go fishing all over again…without any safety net whatsoever.
This first appeared in Red State.