Price Controls? Again? Yet Another Dose of Titanic DC Idiocy

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DC Yet Again Pulling Price Controls Out Of Its…Hat

I’ve said for many years now: The battles that really matter no longer include Left v Right or Democrat v Republican.

The battles that really matter are: Globalist v Nationalist – and DC v US.

I agree with way more Nationalist Democrat Tulsi Gabbard has to say – than I do the extrusions of Globalist Republican Lindsey Graham.

We’ll re-address Globalist v Nationalist another time.  Today, let us focus upon DC v US – through the prism of the economy and economic activity.

Those of us who are old – will remember the cartoon gem that was “The Bullwinkle Show.”

Two main characters were the named Bullwinkle the Moose – and his sidekick Rocky the Flying Squirrel.

A recurring segment was Bullwinkle trying to pull a rabbit out of his hat – and getting everything but…:

Bullwinkle: “Hey Rocky – watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat.”

Rocky: “Again?”

<Bullwinkle extracts a lion.>

Bullwinkle: “No doubt about it – I’ve got to get another hat.”

DC attempts the same failed magic tricks – over and over and over again.  Without ever acknowledging they need another hat.

DC is yet again foisting upon us the idiocy that is price controls.

DC inflates the dollar – by mass over-printing dollars.  Then the fake dollars – buy less stuff.  Because the prices of stuff inflate – right along with the number of fake dollars.

Does DC ratchet back its printing and spending of fake dollars?  Heavens no.

DC abuses Reality.  DC then blames Reality.

And then DC punishes the US for participating in Reality.

Kamala Harris’ Dishonest and Stupid Price Control Proposal

“Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris, who spent the last several years as part of an administration that presided over a growing mismatch between Americans’ pay and the cost of living.

“Rather than take responsibility for the decline of the dollar’s purchasing power, she blames businesses that were forced to raise prices as a result.

“And she wants to fix the problem she helped cause by restricting those prices, never mind the inevitable consequences for the availability of goods and services.”

Except this idiocy – is always and forever idiotic….

Government’s Myopic Price Setting Never, Ever Works:

“Government is awful at…everything.

“Government price setting/regulating/capping…is awful squared.

“Why is (government) price setting awful?

“Because it is impossible to do it even remotely accurately.

“There are a multitude of market factors that coalesce into the price of a widget at any given moment.

“These multitudinous market factors – are constantly changing. So the price of the widget is constantly changing – from moment to moment, over and over and over again.

“So the price government artificially sets yesterday – may be way too low today. AND way too high tomorrow. There are simply too many variables at play.”

VP cum P Harris has only raised the profile of – and expanded – DC’s idiotic price fixing.  Congress has for years had pending legislation proposing to do it elsewhere….

DC Destroys the Economy – Then Bans Loans for Poor People:

“(President Joe) Biden has made the economy the worst it’s been in many decades.  And now his Democrats in Congress are looking to ban loans to poor people.

“Loans poor people definitely need – because Biden has made the economy the worst it has been in many decades.

“Congress is looking to price cap what are called ‘payday loans.’  Here is exceedingly awful Ohio Democrat Senator Sherrod Brown patting himself on the back for co-sponsoring this idiocy.

“‘Payday loans’ are so named – because poor people take the loans when they run out of cash prior to payday.  Like, say, when their car breaks down – and they need to get the car running…to get to work to get paid on payday.

“Rich people don’t need payday loans – because they have the money to cover things like that….

“DC having murdered one lender-to-poor-people (community banks, via Dodd-Frank) – another arose in its place.  Born was the payday lender.

“DC won’t let that stand either.  They want to price cap payday loans – but we know what that really means.

“As basic economics and 10,000 years of human history tell us – price caps murder the item capped….

“If you can’t make a profit on something – you stop producing that something.  Because human nature.  Because duh.

“Artificial price caps on payday loans – will make turning a profit on payday loans nigh impossible.  So no one will offer payday loans anymore.  Because human nature.  Because duh.

“And the people hardest hit aren’t the payday lenders.  Though it is ridiculously, stupidly hard on them.

“The people hardest hit are the payday lend-ees.  The poor people who desperately need these short-term loans.

“Especially now – in the midst of Biden’s exceedingly awful economy.”

The Big Banks are actually a MUCH huger problem for Americans and their debt.

Americans Owe Record $1.3 Trillion in Credit Card Debt

Fed Policy Pushed Up Credit Card Interest Rates – Many Card Holders Aren’t Aware

But shocker – DC isn’t looking to cap the Big Banks….

DC Looks to Price Cap Big Banks’ Tiny Competitors – Not Big Banks

Gee – I wonder why…:

“Here’s a 2024-election-cycle list of the biggest Big Bank political contributions and lobby expenditures….

“JP Morgan Chase:      $3,487,113

“Bank of America:        $2,897,294

“Citigroup:                    $3,558,094

“Wells Fargo:                $4,252,744

“Goldman Sachs:         $2,949,447

“Morgan Stanley:          $2,395,884”

This list is from January – so these numbers have since only skyrocketed….

Democratic Billionaires and Donors Rush to Back Harris After Biden’s Exit

Because bribes are a fundamental component of DC’s “reality.”

And the “real-er” DC’s “reality” gets?

The worse Reality gets for US.

Hey DC:

Get another hat already, would ya?