The Tax Code and Retro Dave Chappelle Remind: Rich People Write All the Laws

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Chappelle Was Right the First Time

I can’t find the clip anywhere – but I was once on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News Channel show.

Tucker – who is a genuinely good and nice guy – had me on to debate why rich people pay a lower tax rate than poor people.

Which occurs because rich people don’t pay the higher income tax rate.  Because they set themselves up – to not make any income.  They set up their remuneration – so as to pay the lower capital gains rate.

Tucker wanted to raise the cap gains rate.  I began my response with something like “We can leave this segment arm-in-arm.  By agreeing to lower the income tax rate – to match the cap gains rate.”

I explained that government is a shotgun – not a rifle.  Raising the cap gains rate – would inflict a LOT of non-rich-people collateral damage.  Like tens of millions of retirees cashing out stocks, selling their homes, etc – in order to, you know, live.

Oh: And the cap gains tax – isn’t indexed to inflation.  Which is yet another advantage government gets – from inflating its money.  Beyond just diluting the tens of trillions of dollars of debt they owe?  They get to collect a LOT more on the non-indexed cap gains tax.

So retirees are paying a cap gains tax – on a house they bought in 1958.  And was priced for 1958 – in 1958 dollars.  $1 in 1958 – is $10.91 today.  An inflated “increase” – of 991.01%.

And don’t get me started on farmers and ranchers.  Who are forced to sell their legacy lands – because they can’t afford the ridiculous property and inheritance taxes.  And when they sell – they’re banged with the cap gains rate on the multi-generation-inflated sales price.

Ain’t government great?

Oh: And there should be no cap gains tax at all.  You paid taxes when you made the money.  That should be your permanent get-out-of-tax-free card – on everything else you do with the leftover money.

Investments are risky.  You risk losing money – for which government gives you nothing.  But if you make money – government bangs you yet again with the cap gains tax.

Why is the tax code this screwed up and skewed?  Because Globalist billionaires write the tax code.

Years ago, comedian Dave Chappelle aptly described the Donald Trump phenomenon – by accurately analyzing Trump’s tax policy exchange with Hillary Clinton in the first 2016 presidential debate.

Chappelle incorrectly, myopically ascribes Trump’s allure to exclusively poor white people (in part for comedic effect, I’d imagine).  But he gets Trump’s gist – including his tax gist – exactly right:

“That first debate.  I’d never seen anything like it.  I’ve never seen a white, male billionaire screaming at the top of his lungs: ‘This whole system is rigged’ he said.

“And across the stage was a white woman, Hillary Clinton – and Barack Obama.  Sitting over there, looking at (Trump) like: ‘No it’s not.’

“I said: ‘Now wait a minute, bro – it’s what (Trump) said.’  And the moderator said: ‘Mister Trump, if the system is rigged as you suggest – what would be your evidence?’

“And you remember what he said, bro?  He said: ‘I know the system is rigged – because I use it.’  I said: ‘<Expletive>.’….No one had ever heard anyone say something that true.

“And then Hillary Clinton tried to punch him in the taxes.  She said: ‘This man doesn’t pay his taxes.’  He shot right back: ‘That makes me smart.’

“And then he said: ‘If you want me to pay my taxes – then change the tax code.  But I know you won’t – because your friends and your donors enjoy the same tax breaks that I do.’

“And with that, my friends – a star was born.  No one had ever seen somebody come from inside of that house – outside, and tell all the commoners: ‘We’re doing everything that you think we are doing inside of that house.’”

Do you think the Globalist billionaires – wringing the very last dollars out of the US’s collapsing empire – will allow even the slightest hiccup in the their ongoing, rolling heist?

Heavens no….

Another Private Equity Investment on K Street:

“The past few years have seen private equity money pour into D.C.’s array of policy and communications shops as they experience booming demand for their services….

“Monument Advocacy became the latest lobbying and public affairs shop on K Street to cash in on Wall Street’s burgeoning interest in the influence industry, announcing an investment by Boston-based Everlane Equity Partners….

“In (another) of the latest examples, investment giant KKR in August bought out global communications conglomerate WPP to become the majority shareholder in consultancy FGS Global — ramping up its stake in the strategic comms shop a little over a year after its initial investment. (KKR holds a significant stake in Axel Springer, POLITICO’s parent company.)…

“Other government affairs shops that have attracted private equity money over the past couple of years include Firehouse Strategies, Precision Strategies, Subject Matter (now Avoq), Hamilton Place Strategies (now part of Penta), GuidePost Strategies and Bullpen Strategy Group….

“The thirst for acquisitions in the space isn’t limited to private equity, either. Last fall, advertising giant Omnicom snapped up the consulting and public affairs firms FP1 Strategies and PLUS Communications.”

Because when Globalist billionaires go to K Street?  They don’t hire – they acquire.  Why would they rent – when they can so easily afford to buy?

And as mentioned: The Globalist billionaires also own many of the alleged “news” outlets that are supposed to be providing unbiased coverage of this Globalist billionaire takeover of K Street – and with it DC.

Why Jeff Bezos Bought The Washington Post

Three guesses – the first two don’t count.

As Bezos Called for Tax Hikes, Amazon Lobbied to Keep Its Tax Bill Low

And round and round we go – until the entire thing stops spinning.

This disastrous end to the American empire – is ultimately the fault of the American people.

Whose decades of ignorant indifference – delivered the US its demise.

You get the government you deserve.  Good and hard.