Trillions of Dollars?
We didn’t win the (first) Cold War with Communist Russia – by handing them trillions of dollars.
Embargoes and Sanctions – Cold War Sanctions:
“In 1948, the United States began a campaign of economic sanctions against the Soviet Union that would last more than fifty years….
“For many years, the embargo on the Soviet Union was quite severe….
“(R)estrictions were tightened again after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in December 1979. In 1983, Ronald Reagan approved the National Security Decision Directive 75, which set the policy of using economic pressure to limit the foreign policy and military options of the Soviets.”
In 1991, Communist Russia collapsed in an economically-ravaged heap.
And as important: Communist Russia spent the preceding half century limping around far less effectively – because we were denying them trillions of dollars of operating capital.
Contrast this – with how we’ve dealt with Communist China.
And “peaceful relations” – meant trade.
Which meant in the name of fake “free trade” – we would ignore all sorts of Communist China’s abuses of us and the global market.
We were suddenly quite happy to abuse Chinese prisoners – put to slave labor by the regime to make cheap stuff for us to buy.
Exposed: Slave Labor and Torture in Communist China
Human rights? Forget about it – I’m saving ten dollars on this TV.
American workers won’t work for one (small) bowl of rice a day – so Amercian companies have spent the last half century-plus becoming de facto Chinese companies. To avail themselves of Communist China’s slave labor. Thereby handing Communist China trillions of dollars to which they never otherwise would have had access.
This isn’t even remotely close to free trade.
But that’s not all. Communist China doesn’t just trade – Communist China steals and cheats.
China has spent the last five decades stealing trillions of dollars of our companies’ Intellectual Property (IP). And in the name of fake “free trade” – our government has done nothing to defend our companies from this inconceivably huge heist.
This isn’t even remotely close to free trade.
China cheats – by floating its currency:
‘Dirty Float’: How China Manages its Currency:
“(I)t is controlled through central bank’s buying and selling currencies in a bid to cap its appreciation….
“Market analysts widely suggest that the yuan is held at a substantially undervalued level to make its exports more globally competitive.”
Which means China’s slave labor exports – are artificially rendered even cheaper on the global market. Which is, again, titanically unfair to American companies manufacturing in America. Further driving them to leave America and become de facto Chinese companies. Thereby handing Communist China trillions of dollars to which they never otherwise would have had access.
This isn’t even remotely close to free trade.
But that’s not all. To further rig the global market in their favor – Communist China subsidizes their slave labor exports. Which artificially renders them even cheaper on the global market. Which is, again, titanically unfair to American companies manufacturing in America. Further driving them to leave America and become de facto Chinese Companies. Thereby handing Communist China trillions of dollars to which they never otherwise would have had access.
This isn’t even remotely close to free trade.
And Communist China is doing all of this – not just to take from us trillions of dollars. Communist China is doing this – to build up the ability to impose its Communist domination and will on the entirety of the planet.
Made in China 2025: The Industrial Plan that China Doesn’t Want Anyone Talking About
China’s Master Plan: A Global Military Threat
China Is a Geopolitical Threat
5G: China’s Dream to Dominate World Technology
Oh – remember Communist Russia political prisoner Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn?
China Is ‘Threat to World’ Says Dissident Writer
Of course China also wants to dominate the United States.
China’s Plan To Dominate The World & Crush The United States
China and the United States Fight for Global Dominance
China Increasingly Challenges American Dominance of Science
And China is worming its way directly into the US.
China Infiltrating U.S. Education System in Propaganda Coup:
“From kindergarten to college, Chinese government programs indoctrinate youth.”
Controversy Surrounds (China’s) Confucius Institutes at American Universities
But hey – at least the slave labor textbooks are cheap.
We shouldn’t be importing government manipulation from anyone. We absolutely shouldn’t be doing so from Communist China.
And as with all things trade – this isn’t just about fake “free trade.” This is also egregiously stupid national security policy.
China’s Bid to Control America’s Energy Resources:
“Beijing is deploying predatory trade practices to seize control of the means of production on a global scale….
“Now, China has set its sights on controlling America’s energy industry….
“Just as they dumped steel and aluminum, drywall and PC plastic pipe, the Chinese have been dumping drilling equipment in the U.S. at prices so low American manufacturers can’t compete….
“And it’s not just low-end pipe fixtures. Chinese imports now target the higher-end market for more specialized equipment.
“The supply chain crucial to American energy dominance is made up of scores of small, independent family-run businesses, and thousands of jobs. All of this is at risk.
“China circumvents…tariffs by transshipping their goods through India, South Korea and other countries. Imports of Indian and Korean couplings made from Chinese steel have increased threefold over the last two years….
“China is out to cripple our domestic oil drilling equipment industry the same way it has driven so many of our other industries to the brink of extinction.
“If it succeeds, China will have veto power over the energy essential to America’s economy and national security.”
We’re on the verge of wholly handing Communist China our domestic oil and gas infrastructure.
Which I’m sure China won’t shut down – or threaten to shut down – any time our government protests even slightly any of China’s very many anti-American-and-World actions.
But hey – I just saved four cents on a gallon of gas.
So it’s all good.
This first appeared in Red State.