As Breitbart informed us last week….
“Virginia Republican gubernatorial candidate Glenn Youngkin encouraged his colleagues at the Carlyle Group to donate to three organizations that promote ‘social justice,’ including the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), according to a public letter he wrote last May.
“Youngkin was CEO of the Carlyle Group when he and his co-CEO, Kewsong Lee, penned the letter on May 31, 2020, to employees, informing them their company would match any donations up to $1,000 made to the SPLC, the Equal Justice Initiative, and the NAACP Legal Defense Fund.”
The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is a heinously Leftist and especially reprehensible joint.
The Southern Poverty Law Center Is a Hate-Based Scam that Nearly Caused Me to Be Murdered
The Southern Poverty Law Center Is in a State of Moral Collapse
Southern Poverty Law Center Faces Racism, Corruption, Sexual Harassment Claims
Twelve Ways The Southern Poverty Law Center Is A Scam To Profit From Hate-Mongering
Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center
“Making hate pay?” The SPLC has done very well indeed.
The only poverty the SPLC has actually solved – is its own.
Anyone at all involved in politics should know the SPLC is abominable. Anyone at all involved in politics and to the Right of Karl Marx should publicly and unabashedly excoriate the SPLC any time the opportunity presents itself.
What anyone not a hardcore Leftist should never, ever do – is actually fundraise for the SPLC.
But that’s exactly what the exceedingly questionable Republican Youngkin did.
It would seem calling Youngkin a Republican In Name Only (RINO) – is actually an insult to the stampeding herd of RINOs that has overrun our attempts at sane and sober government. Speaking of RINOs…:
“Youngkin…spent 25 years at the Carlyle Group before retiring in September….Federal Election Commission records indicate he has donated hundreds of thousands to Republican groups and candidates over the past two decades, with the heftiest candidate contributions directed toward Mitt Romney, Paul Ryan (and) Barbara Comstock….”
Youngkin’s own personal RINO herd.
Anyone who thinks as Youngkin does about the SPLC – should be running as a Democrat.
Oh: And Youngkin’s Carlyle Group awfulness doesn’t end with the SPLC. In fact, it gets much, MUCH worse. Youngkin’s quarter-century at the Carlyle Group – spans a LOT of Carlyle Group awfulness.
To say The Carlyle Group is more than a little problematic – is a tremendous understatement. What is The Carlyle Group?:
“(A)n American multinational private equity, alternative asset management and financial services corporation. It specializes in corporate private equity, real assets, and private credit. In 2015, Carlyle was the world’s largest private equity firm by capital raised over the previous five years….”
You don’t get that big – without getting a little dirty. Or a LOT dirty.
This from 2009:
Top (New York Democrat Chuck) Schumer Aide Indicted for Pension Fraud:
“A primary beneficiary of Morris’ business was the…Carlyle Group hedge fund, which was a big contributor to Schumer’s campaigns; last summer Schumer actively blocked attempts to increase taxes on hedge funds such as Carlyle….”
Carlyle Groups Settles in ‘Pay to Play’ Scandal Probe
“Politically-connected firm…The Carlyle Group…made more than $13 million in payments to an indicted political fixer who arranged for the firm to receive business from a New York pension fund….”
This is CLASSIC Big Government-Big Money cronyism. Reading about it, I felt like I was watching an episode of “Billions.” Youngkin was living it – and it obviously didn’t bother him even a little.
This from 2014:
Carlyle Group to Pay $115 Million to Settle Collusion Suit:
“Carlyle Group LP has agreed to pay $115 million to settle a lawsuit accusing it of conspiring with other buyout firms not to outbid each other on some takeovers that occurred prior to the financial crisis, a person familiar with the matter said on Friday.”
More classic Big Government-Big Money cronyism. Again, Youngkin was living it – and it obviously didn’t bother him even a little.
This from 2016:
Carlyle Accused of Fraud by Ex-Employee:
“Nikhil Dhir, an ex-oil specialist for Carlyle’s Vermillion Asset Management, filed the case Tuesday. Dhir complained internally that the fund was misleading limited partners about an investment’s size, risk, and liquidity to avoid losing fees, the suit alleged, leading to his wrongful firing.”
Even MORE classic Big Government-Big Money cronyism. This is like the entire “Billions” series. Yet again, Youngkin was living all of it – and it obviously didn’t bother him even a little.
How about some George Soros awfulness? This from 2016:
Panama Papers Reveal George Soros’ Deep Money Ties to Secretive Weapons, Intel Investment Firm
Gee..I wonder to what investment firm they refer?:
“Soros Capital set up an offshore company in the Cayman Islands for the purpose of investing private equity with the Carlyle Group, alongside members of Saudi Arabia’s Bin Laden family….”
Because of course. But wait – there’s more:
“Soros…donates lots of money to Democrats who write and enforce the tax laws. In the 2004 presidential election, he contributed $24 million to George Bush’s opponents. He is the largest donor to Hillary Clinton’s campaign for the presidency, plunking down $8 million, so far. He has donated ‘up to $1 million’ to the Clinton Foundation. And Secretary of State Clinton’s emails reveal that Soros has lobbied her on behalf of his interests, which encircle the globe, mostly in the dark.”
Let’s close the Soros-Hillary-Carlyle circle, shall we? This from 2013:
Clinton to Speak to Carlyle Group:
“Clinton’s speaking fee is roughly $200,000, according to multiple reports.”
Because we all know how scintillating a human being she is.
More good news about Team Carlyle:
“Carlyle’s partners include ex-heads of state and former CIA officials. The private equity partnership specializes in buying and selling weapons manufacturing and intelligence gathering companies with government and military contracts and it also uses secret offshore companies to conduct business.”
So…Carlyle “specializes in buying and selling weapons manufacturing and intelligence gathering companies with government and military contracts.”
So it’s really great news that Carlyle also has a LOOOOONG history of doing business – with Communist China. This update from 2020:
Carlyle Group to Invest More in China’s New Economy Sectors:
“Since stepping onto the Chinese mainland in 2004, Washington D.C.-based Carlyle has invested over $10 billion in more than 110 transactions across China.”
As we know, Communist China abuses the heck out large swaths of its populations and the planet to make their investments more attractive to investors.
As we know, Communist China makes all sorts of demands of the companies that invest within its confines.
Like, say, demanding intel from investing companies that have “weapons manufacturing and intelligence gathering companies with government and military contracts.”
Anyone with any integrity would have left the Carlyle Group when it did any of these things.
Youngkin hung in for all of them. For a quarter century. Cashing all those giant checks. Just like every other hedge fund Democrat we’ve seen over the last several decades.
Youngkin left only when he decided to run for Virginia governor. Bizarrely, as a Republican.
Corruption. Communist China. George Soros. Hillary Clinton. Chuck Schumer. The SPLC.
All of which is The Carlyle Group.
None of which leads anyone to think “Republican.”
This first appeared in Red State.