It’s as if we’re willing if not eager to say to commuters nationwide:
“Your next scheduled ChiComm Spy Tubes arrive at….”
All day, every day.
God bless Donald Trump. As a businessman for decades – he raised the issue of Communist China’s very negative influence on our national security and economy.
And then he decided to run for President. And then he won.
Trump arrived in a DC – in the midst of a half-century, yuan-funded slumber.
Most of DCs Swamp Creatures have been either too sleepy or too well fed with Chinese take out – to have ever said anything about Communist China’s ongoing, increasing, evil influence in and on our country.
Watching the defenders of the status quo rapidly evolve to Trump’s position – if not his prescriptions – has been hilarious.
They went from “Communist China is no threat at all” – to “China is a real threat – but Trump is dealing with it in all the wrong ways” – in about a year.
Talk about rapid transit.
The ChiComm problems – are everywhere.
Trump is considering banning from the US – Chinese telecom company Huawei.
Because having a Communist Chinese company intrinsically integrated into our wired and wireless Internet and communications networks – is insanely stupid.
Huawei is in neck-deep with the Chinese Communist Party. Because of course it is.
You can’t open a noodle stand on the corner of 主要街道 and 埃尔姆街 in any rural town in any Chinese province – without being neck-deep with the Chinese Communist Party.
There is no way any Chinese company goes international – without owing everything to the Chinese Communist Party.
Trump should follow all the way through – and completely bar Huawei.
Another example:
As if our colleges weren’t already Communist enough….
Controversy Surrounds Confucius Institutes at American Universities:
“Since 2005, the Chinese government has been funding Confucius Institutes (CI) in the United States—a multi-billion-dollar enterprise. For example, it gave $4 million to Stanford University as a onetime gift.
“What is behind the largesse? Does the China regime just want to promote Chinese culture or is there something more insidious about its intentions?”
They’re Communists – what do you think?
FINALLY, in February 2019 (thank you yet again, President Trump)….
Senate Inquiry Finds Problems with China-Funded Confucius Institute at U.S. Campuses
You think?
Here’s another thought:
Having our political and business personnel – in our major cities all across the country – traveling to and from work on ChiComm subway cars…is a REALLY bad idea.
Imagine the conversations to which the ChiComms could listen – in DCs Metro system. Or in New York City’s Subway system (“你好, Wall Street”).
It is clinically insane to think we would allow that to happen, right?
Ladies and Gentlemen, meet CRRC:
“CRRC Corporation Limited (known as CRRC) is a Chinese publicly traded rolling stock manufacturer and is the largest rolling stock manufacturer in the world eclipsing Alstom and Siemens….
“The parent company of CRRC Corp., Ltd. is CRRC Group, a state-owned enterprise that was supervised by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council.”
And great news: CRRC has a manufacturing plant – right here in the US. In Springfield, Massachusetts.
Even better news – CRRC has already been selling US cities its train cars.
Because of course. This isn’t a fair economic fight.
This isn’t multiple competitors competing on equal footing in a free market – and the best company winning.
The Communist Chinese government – subsidizes the daylight out of their companies and products when they go international.
And they ridiculously rig their currency – lowering its value whenever they deem it necessary to screw the rest of the planet.
The ChiComms thereby artificially lower their prices. Thereby undercutting everyone else.
And for the last half-century, we have been the biggest gaggle of the planet’s Useful Idiots.
We have time and again blithely ignored the economic and national security implications – and simply said “Wow…look how cheap this ChiComm stuff is. Sold!”
We have time and again proved Russian Communist Vladimir Lenin correct:
“The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.”
The noose is tightening.
Boston Buys $567 Million in Subway Trains from Chinese Company (CRRC)
These trains are already deployed for spying and timely shutdown purposes. Oops, I mean in use in Boston’s system.
Boston was the first local gaggle of Useful Idiots. They are nowhere the last.
China’s CRRC Lands $1.3 Billion Chicago Rail Car Project
Oh – and even better in the Windy City….
Losing Rail Car Bidder Says CTA Rigged Contract Process:
“The losing bidder for a $1.3 billion CTA rail car contract has filed a protest with the agency, saying that the bidding process was rigged in favor of a Chinese firm that promised to bring manufacturing jobs to Chicago, at the direction of (Democrat, natch) Mayor Rahm Emanuel.”
Way to play for the home team, Rahm.
CRRC to Build Rail Cars for Los Angeles
CRRC Wins Subway Deal in Philadelphia
We can be really, REALLY stupid.
To wit: Some DC Denizens – are REALLY slow on the uptake.
US Rep. Richard Neal, Citing Springfield CRRC Jobs, Says Ban on Buying Chinese Rail Cars ‘Misguided’
Neal isn’t selling the ChiComms rope – he is GIVING it to them.
But a growing number of DCs Denizens – are awakening from their slumber.
And trying to at least make it a little more difficult for our cities – from cutting all our throats for us.
And it has led to a sighting of a DC politics Unicorn – bipartisanship.
And there’s hope for the bill in the Senate – given New York Democrat Chuck Schumer’s concern for NYC.
U.S. Senate’s Top Democrat Calls for Probe of CTA’s Chinese Rail Car Supplier
And pockets of political resistance are arising in the nation’s hinterlands.
Fifteen state-level elected officials in New York – are with Schumer. They wrote a letter to the heads of the New York City Transit Authority and the Metro Transit Authority saying in part:
“Over the past five years, a Chinese state-owned enterprise has won four major contracts to build metro cars for transit systems….
“(T)he prospect of a government-controlled entity doing so in such a widespread fashion is alarming – and we share the concerns raised by many of our colleagues in cities such as Washington, D.C.”
And the Bay State is contemplating an effort to put the genie back in the bottle.
Massachusetts Considers Banning Future Contracts with Chinese Rail Companies
ChiComm CRRC is starting to feel the political heat – so they are dumping money on K Street. Just this summer….:
“Squire Patton Boggs has signed…CRRC, a Chinese railroad company that has pushed to keep Congress from passing bills that would make it harder for U.S. transit systems to buy its trains.”
Crossroads Is Working on the Chinese Railroad:
“Crossroads Strategies represents China’s CRRC North America, the unit of the world’s largest maker of railroad cars, as it seeks to fend off moves to ban it from US contracts.”
And ChiComm CRRC – continues to look to expand its footprint. Including, inarguably, the worst place of all for US.
China to Bid on D.C. Metro Rail Deal
That should be an immediate, hard “No.”
And we should take this rare bipartisan coalition – and derail CRRC everywhere in the country.
And send them back to Communist China – as rapidly as possible.
This first appeared in Red State.