We see it over and over again. And have seen it for decades. It is why I remain steadfastly opposed to any government “research.” Because the government only funds research that feeds and fosters itself. And when the science isn’t compliant – government ignores it, or warps it to its will.
Government is an organism. Just like any other organism, its first priority is self-preservation. Its second – is to grow. So when you give the federal government $4 trillion a year to spend, it will spend a lot of it funding its own preservation and growth. No matter how much damage it does to everyone and everything else.
Government cherry-picks the research it funds. The Feds have spent tens (hundreds?) of billions of dollars on global warming – oops, I mean climate change studies. I would bet there hasn’t been ten grand total spent on scientists who are man-made climate change skeptics. Because proving there’s no problem – means there’s no justification for government to grow.
But from 1998 until as recently as 2014, the global temperature has flat-lined. No warming. Virtually no change at all. Did a government-funded study find this empirical fact? No. In fact, the government has spent a lot of money, time and effort trying to suppress this information – and attacking those who cite it.
Because according to government – it ain’t science if it doesn’t grow government.
In its ceaseless push to expand, government abuses the “science” of things both great – and small. So small – they are assaulting grains of salt. In the name of our “health” – government is regulating to the granular level.
Australian comedian Steve Hughes rightly understands this particular brand of authoritarianism:
“We all have to live under the weird and oppressive regime of health and safety regulations….For our health? No it’s not. It’s for control.”
He is, of course, absolutely correct.
Back before we were so scientifically astute – and government so obnoxiously huge – we were oft a lot smarter. Throughout the course of 10,000 years of human history, salt has been a vitally key ingredient. It has been life saver, a food preserver – and at times even a currency.
And most of us still understand its import – including its health benefits.
Low-Salt Diets May Pose Health Risks, Study Finds: “Findings are latest challenge to benefits of aggressively low sodium targets.”
A Low-Salt Diet May Be Bad for the Heart
12 Reasons Why Salt is GOOD for You
Salt Shake-Up: Why Sodium Is Good for You: “Here’s why you should take all that expert advice about cutting back your intake with, well, a grain of salt.”
But all of this science – doesn’t get the government any bigger. So government ignores it (and eons of history) – and grows ahead anyway.
Of course it’s government – so it’s only a matter of time before that “voluntary” becomes…not so voluntary.
Of course it’s government – so they ignore loads of actual science…in the name of “science.”
Because when science doesn’t justify government growth – “science” will do. In a pinch (of salt).
I would suggest that government adjust to the actual science, change tack – and start mandating salt consumption.
But I wouldn’t want to give them any additional authoritarian ideas.
This first appeared in Red State.