and Back to Stuff Like This
I do not think I am alone in wishing the entirety of the China Virus lifecycle behind us. I’d bet just about everyone on the planet does.
To that end, lots of medical professionals all over the world are working on solutions to the problem.
Unfortunately, as is often the case – some international medical professionals are looking to obnoxiously impede US medical professionals’ progress.
This sort of nonsense – happens all the time. And not just in medicine.
Behold a foreign company (South Korea’s VGXI) – screwing with a US company (Inovio) with a possible Virus vaccine under development.
Lawsuit Accuses CDMO of ‘Blocking’ COVID-19 Vaccine:
“Inovio launches a lawsuit against VGXI, claiming that the contract development and manufacturing organization (CDMO) has breached its manufacturing contract for vaccine candidate.
“The claim at the center of lawsuit is that VGXI…does not have the manufacturing capacity to progress Inovio Pharmaceuticals’ vaccine candidate for COVID-19.
“Inovio stated within the lawsuit that the contract signed between the two companies included a clause whereby should VGXI turn down the opportunity to manufacture the vaccine then the CDMO must transfer the technology required for vaccine production. A request that VGXI declined, Inovio claims.
“As a result, Inovio suggests that ‘VGXI [is] wrongfully blocking the path to the development of a COVID-19 vaccine.’
“In a public statement, VGXI countered that the allegations are ‘inaccurate’ and that it had manufactured enough doses of the vaccine candidate for Inovio to enter large-scale clinical trials.
“The CDMO continued, ‘For reasons unknown to VGXI, rather than continue working with VGXI to achieve accelerated manufacturing levels, Inovio has instead filed this court action to try to take VGXI’s intellectual property.’
“VGXI concluded that it is ‘eager’ to resolve the matter in court.”
VGXI shouldn’t be quite so gung ho. The facts don’t favor them.
Note how VGXI phrased their case:
“(I)t had manufactured enough doses of the vaccine candidate for Inovio to enter large-scale clinical trials.”
Yes – and that’s as far as VGXI can go. They were able to get Inovio through the small-scale clinical trails – and that’s it.
VGXI does not have the manufacturing capacity or capability to go to “large-scale clinical trials” – the next step in the process. Let alone to actual mass-manufacturing – should all things prior go well.
So VGXI has travelled with Inovio – as far as they can. They can contribute nothing more going forward.
Inovio needs to move on. VGXI won’t let them.
Were VGXI to be honest with itself and everyone else – and admit they can not keep up with Inovio – the terms of their contract dictate they return all work product to Inovio.
“(VGXI) subsequently refused to transfer the technology to INO’s third party contract manufacturers.”
It’s Inovio’s Intellectual Property (IP) and work product. They designed, developed and paid for all of it.
But VGXI won’t give up the ghost.
This VGXI obnoxiousness – never stops redounding to Inovio’s detriment. And by extension – all of ours:
“Inovio has not been selected by the Trump administration as one of the five companies picked to develop a COVID-19 vaccine as part of the government’s Warp Speed operation.
“The companies selected will receive additional government funding, assistance in clinical development and manufacturing to ensure the availability of two hundred million doses by YE2020.”
I’ll hazard a guess Inovio wasn’t chosen – because of all this VGXI bad faith behavior prohibiting them from proceeding.
Inovio is an attractive candidate for Trump’s Warp Speed operation.
Inovio – hamstrung by incapable VGXI – is a far less attractive candidate for Trump’s Warp Speed operation.
Inovio’s court case – convenes Thursday.
Here’s hoping it renders a lightning fast verdict for Inovio.
So they can get back to work on all of our behalves.
This first appeared in Red State.