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…New York Democrat Eric Schneiderman is on the market – and open for business. And you don’t even need to contact him – he’ll contact you.
Schneiderman is worse than pay-to-play. He is pay-to-play – in reverse. He will launch insufferable Leftist Quixote campaigns first – and ask for campaign cash later.
Schneiderman and some of his co-awful cohorts wasted a year-plus attempting to eviscerate the First Amendment rights of oil company ExxonMobil.
Democratic Attorneys General to Police Climate Change Dissent: “A coalition of Democratic attorneys general…announced Tuesday an unprecedented campaign to pursue companies that challenge the catastrophic climate change narrative, raising concerns over free speech and the use of state authority to punish political foes.
“Standing beside former Vice President Al Gore, New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman said the state officials are committed to ‘working together on key climate-related initiatives,’ including queries into whether fossil fuel companies like ExxonMobil have committed fraud by deceiving the public and shareholders about the impact of man-made carbon dioxide emissions….
“These dozens-of-Democrat attempts to circumvent the guaranteed right to speak freely – have gone absolutely nowhere. (Save for the millions of dollars Exxon has had to waste fending off these frauds.)”
I am quite sure Schneiderman completely buys into the global warming climate change myth – and tilted at this particular windmill in full blinkered belief.
I am quite sure Schneiderman deeply desired to crush Exxon’s free speech rights – and is quite disappointed he has been unable to do so.
But these were not the only reasons Schneiderman engaged in this immense inanity. He was also trolling for campaign coin – and he wasn’t bashful about asking for it.
Schneiderman Tried to Contact Eco-Tycoon Amid Exxon Probe: “When state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman took on ExxonMobil over climate change last year, it seemed like an odd global crusade for a local politician. Perhaps he was drilling for campaign cash, critics now contend after The Post obtained an e-mail that appears to show the state’s top cop was seeking a tree-hugging billionaire’s help to finance a run for governor in 2018.
“In March 2016, four months after announcing the Exxon probe, the Democratic AG tried to arrange a phone meeting with hedge-fund mogul Tom Steyer, an environmental activist and Exxon enemy.
“‘Eric Schneiderman would like to have a call with Tom regarding support for his race for governor . . . regarding Exxon case,’ reads the March 10 e-mail.
“The note was sent by Steyer lawyer Ted White to Erin Suhr, Steyer’s director of strategic planning at Fahr LLC, which oversees Steyer’s political and philanthropic efforts.”
It’s basically this: “Hi, this is AG Schneiderman’s office. We are being obnoxiously unlawful and Leftist – in an environmental fashion. We’d like to see if obnoxious environmental radical Tom Steyer would like to give us a little something, you know, for the effort.”
Attorney General Schneiderman’s ridiculousness has nothing to do with ExxonMobil violating any law. Which is more than a mite disappointing – seeing as how Schneiderman is New York state’s chief law officer.
This hasn’t been a prosecution – it’s been a persecution.
A persecution for which – in addition to attempting to silence an innocent company’s free speech – Schneiderman crassly sought campaign contributions.
Behold – the absolute worst Attorney General-ing money can buy.
This first appeared in Red State.