Donald Trump ran for the presidency in no small part – on his promise to Drain the Swamp.
Business-as-usual in DC – has for decades been demonstrably and acceleratingly awful.
As the federal government grew to the current $4.5-trillion-per year monstrous monstrosity – the cronyism and dirty-dealing grew right along with it.
Crony companies know the easiest of the really big piles of money – are government piles of money.
And almost inarguably, no company has set its sites on government money – quite like Amazon.
Amazon: One of the Biggest of Bigfoot Cronyism-Recipient Lobbyists
And Amazon will do just about anything – to ensure they get as much government money as possible.
Behold perhaps the biggest chunk of government change ever: The Defense Department (DoD)’s $10 billion cloud computing contract.
Which the Trump Administration just this past Friday awarded to…not Amazon.
Pentagon Awards Controversial $10 Billion Cloud Computing Deal to Microsoft, Spurning Amazon
Which came as a galloping shock to Amazon – and the entirety of the Deep State Swamp.
Because the Deep State Swamp ain’t used to losing. And because Amazon had done so much Deep State, deep-tissue cronyism – to rig the system to get the gig.
Cronyism: Having Your Ex-Employees Award Government Contracts…:
“…makes it much more likely you’ll get government contracts.”
The contract process began during the Barack Obama Administration. The Obama Administration hired to oversee the contract process – a person who was at that time working for…Amazon Web Services.
Suddenly, the DoD contractor specifications were rewritten…so that only Amazon met them. Which left Amazon – in the runaway lead for the massive contract.
Then Trump won the presidency. But the Deep State Swamp is a persistent mess….
“A senior adviser to Secretary of Defense James Mattis, Sally Donnelly, received payments from the sale of her consulting firm while she worked for the Department of Defense.
“The firm, SBD Advisors, provided consulting to Amazon Web Services, which many have said has an unfair advantage to obtain the Pentagon’s $10 billion JEDI contract.
“Donnelly didn’t recuse herself from involvement in crafting the contract.”
Of course she didn’t. Because DC.
But then the Trump Administration’s attention to Swamp draining – turned to the DoD.
Amazon’s Titanic Government Cronyism Is Finally Receiving Some Pushback
Because the aroma of Amazon’s omni-directional rigging of the system – was simply too Swampy to escape functioning olfactory systems.
Pentagon Will Not Award JEDI Cloud Contract Until New Defense Secretary Completes Review
A ‘Drain The Swamp’ Test: Will the Trump Admin Reward Amazon’s Killer Cronyism?
On Friday – the Trump Administration passed the test.
And awarded the contract – to Microsoft. The last standing contestant who hadn’t throughout the process been engaged in massive Deep State Swamp cronyism.
The Deep State Swamp – quite unsurprisingly ain’t happy. And the long knives are coming out all over.
The Media – one of the swampiest of Deep State Swamp Creatures – has ramped up its defense of the status quo mess.
The Media is continuing to ignore Amazon’s titanic avalanche of corruption.
And is now instead pretending the Trump Administration’s decision to not reward corruption – is corruption.
Hmmm…that sound’s really familiar….
With what does Trump want help investigating?
Biden’s Son Inked $1.5 Billion Deal with Chinese Government Days After Vice President’s Trip
Biden Made Ukraine Fire Top Prosecutor Investigating Son’s Firm
Sounds seriously corrupt to me. Worthy of some seriously serious investigation.
Who instead does The Deep State Swamp investigate? How do they ridiculously frame this blatantly obvious Biden corruption?
What Is the Trump-Ukraine Scandal About and How Is Joe Biden Involved?
The Deep State Swamp asserts the scandal is…Trump’s. And wonders: Is Biden even involved?
How incredibly corrupt – and very, VERY Swampy.
So too is it with the Trump Administration choosing to not reward Amazon’s blatantly obvious corruption.
Amazon Seen Focusing on Trump in Pentagon Contract Challenge
The Deep State Swamp is happily helping tee up Amazon’s challenge.
Trump’s Head Is in Amazon’s Cloud, and Bezos Knows It
The Bidens’ corruption has generated Deep State Swamp alleged witnesses – making provably false claims about a call…for which we have for months had the transcript….
Alexander Vindman’s Firsthand Account of Ukraine Call: ‘I Didn’t Think It Was Proper’
Who cares what you think? No one elected you. Oh – and we have the frigging transcript of the frigging call – which clearly demonstrates it was proper.
Likewise with Amazon and the DoD….
“…former Defense communications director Guy Snodgrass alleges in a new book….”
Oh look – a new Deep State Swamp book. That this Deep State Swamp Creature is looking to sell. Yet another incentive to…you know, lie.
But why would The Deep State Swamp allow facts to get in the way of a good beating?
You mean…the best company won?
Based on their merits – not on their ability to crony-rig the system?
Why…that sounds like EXACTLY why We the People elected Donald Trump.
Please keep all of this in mind – as we going forward are subjected to Deep State Swamp “reporting” on the looming Amazon challenge to Trump’s Swamp drainage.
This first appeared in Red State.