In the Internet Age, writing – means Internet searching.
There are many ways to use the results we glean therefrom.
I like specifically using the headlines and excerpts from the results. Nothing like using Leftist Big Media’s words against them.
Media Matters and other Leftist fake “fact” checkers used to hound me routinely. When I started directly quoting per essay about two dozen of their sources – the hounds were un-released.
Hard to critique me – when it means critiquing all of them.
But: Unfortunately, Google dominates the Internet search game.
How Google Came To Dominate Search
This Chart Reveals Google’s True Dominance Over the Web
Want numbers? No problem.
There are more than twenty search engines. Google is used for searches – 91.54% of the time.
That’s a lot. There’s a reason “Google” has become a verb in addition to a noun. And why Google’s brand name means the product – the way “Band Aid” and “Q-Tip” do.
Even more unfortunately, Google is hardcore Leftist. And Google’s Leftism – affects its work product.
Yes, Google Censors Conservatives – Even Liberal Journalists Now Admit It
96 Percent of My Google Search Results for ‘Trump’ News Were from Liberal Media Outlets
Which quite obviously means….
How the Liberal Leanings of Google Shape the Political Landscape:
“Robert Epstein tried a simple experiment in the run-up to the (2016) presidential election: running searches on Google and Yahoo for political topics.
“The results were stunning. Google searches returned twice as many pro-Hillary Clinton news articles as Yahoo searches.”
In case you were wondering, Yahoo is used for searches…1.64% of the time.
Google – is a monster (Market Cap: $960 billion).
Google makes almost all its monster money – by collecting all the data you generate by using their products. Including the inconceivable amounts of data generated – by its 91.54% domination of the Web search game.
Because Google is such a monster – it often gets away with…pretty much anything it wants.
Google buys politicians, rigs legislation, warps bureaucracies,….
And Google pummels its way through the private sector.
Google has government rig the private sector to its advantage. And it bigfoot crushes competitors. And failing that – it buys them.
And Google steals. All the time – from everyone.
If you have a good idea – a cool new product, a cool new way of doing something,….
Very soon Google will have a good idea – and you will have nothing.
We wended our way through all of the above – to demonstrate:
(1) Google dominates Web search.
(2) Google is Leftist.
(3) Google is thoroughly dishonest.
(4) Google has no problem warping their Search results for ideological reasons.
(4) also means…
(5) Google has no problem warping its Search results…for any self-serving reason.
Like covering for its thieving ass.
Of course a Google search on Google stealing – will result in some…unusual results.
Let’s run a couple of search phrases – through some other search engines (with their percentage of searches in parentheses). And see what we get.
We’ll list the first three pertinent results from each search.
And then we’ll list Google’s – just for grins.
Note: We will exclude all things we have written – as that would be self-serving and self-defeating.
Search Phrase I: “Google steals”
Google Responds to Report Linking It to ‘Stealing’ Medical Data
RIP: How to Stop Google from Stealing All Your Data After You Die
Google Retracts After Caught Stealing Ideas
Google Responds to Report Linking It to ‘Stealing’ Medical Data
RIP: How to Stop Google from Stealing All Your Data After You Die
How Google Steals Ideas From Entrepreneurs! The Google Innovation Theft Factory
Google Retracts After Caught Stealing Ideas
Google Responds to Report Linking It to ‘Stealing’ Medical Data
How Google Steals Ideas From Entrepreneurs! The Google Innovation Theft Factory
And now…Google (91.54%):
Ex-Google Engineer Accused of Stealing Self-Driving Car Trade Secrets Before Joining Uber
Sonos, Squeezed by the Tech Giants, Sues Google
Google Is Investigating Claims It Steals Lyrics from Genius
Get all that?
All three non-Google search engines – delivered nigh identical results. All highly unfavorable to Google.
Google’s results – not so much.
Google’s first result – is of someone accused of stealing FROM Google. The third – is Google looking into itself for stealing. I wonder how that investigation will go…?
Of course, “Google steals” is accusatory. Let’s try just nouns.
Search Phrase II: “Google intellectual property”
Google’s Supreme Court Bid to Legalize Intellectual Property Theft
Supreme Court Google vs. Oracle Lawsuit Could Undermine Freedom
Google’s Privacy, Intellectual Property Battle in the EU
Google’s Supreme Court Bid to Legalize Intellectual Property Theft
Supreme Court Google vs. Oracle Lawsuit Could Undermine Freedom
Google’s Privacy, Intellectual Property Battle in the EU
Supreme Court Google vs. Oracle Lawsuit Could Undermine Freedom
Google’s Privacy, Intellectual Property Battle in the EU
Did Uber Steal Google’s Intellectual Property?
And now…Google (91.54%):
Google Can’t Have It Both Ways on Intellectual Property
How Google and Big Tech Killed the U.S. Patent System
Google’s Privacy, Intellectual Property Battle in the EU
Now, Google’s results here…aren’t helpful to Google. But – the first result is from 2013. And appears only after three links to generic intellectual property stories…from Google, on its own website.
And none of Google’s top results – mentions perhaps the seminal intellectual property theft lawsuit in decades. In which Google – is the accused thief.
Google v Oracle America – is, even as we type, being argued before the Supreme Court of the United States. So it is topical, timely – and totally ignored by Google.
And Google makes no mention of said case – on the entire first page of its search results. You have to go to Page Two – to even learn it exists.
Bing and Yahoo’s top two results – and Duck’s top result – are about said case.
What is Google v Oracle America?:
“(A) current legal case within the United States related to the nature of computer code and copyright law.
“The dispute centers on the use of parts of the Java programming language’s application programming interfaces (APIs), which are owned by Oracle, within early versions of the Android operating system by Google.
“Google has admitted to using the APIs….”
Long story short:
Google admits stealing the intellectual property in question.
But is fighting Oracle’s request to pay them for it – all the way up to the Supreme Court.
And Google’s search engine – is pretending Google’s obnoxious theft doesn’t even exist.
Google’s imposed Search silence – actually reinforces the theft case against it.
Given the top results returned by our other search engines – why did Google stifle similar results?
What does an innocent mega-company have to hide?
Wouldn’t an innocent mega-company proudly display items about the case against it?
I certainly think it would.
This first appeared in Red State.