Modus Operandi
Remember Fast and Furious?: “As a refresher, from 2009 to 2011, agents from the (President Barack Obama) Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco Firearms and Explosives (ATF), overseen by the (Obama Department of Justice) DOJ, allowed known straw purchasers working for Mexican cartels to illegally buy thousands of firearms at U.S. gun shops.
“The ATF allowed those purchases to be illegally trafficked south of the border and into the hands of killers. The government lost track of most of the guns, and once in Mexico, they were used in an untold number of crimes.
“In December 2010, Border Patrol agent Brian Terry was killed by Mexican bandits in Rico Valley, Ariz, and guns found at his murder scene were from the Fast and Furious operation.
“Now, after more than five years of waiting, we finally received confirmation that the murder of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)agent Jaime Zapata in 2011 is also directly linked to Obama-era gunrunning.”
Why on Earth did the Obama Administration do something this titanically stupid?
Documents: ATF Used ‘Fast and Furious’ to Make the Case for Gun Regulations
And we know Obamacare was designed to fail – so as to make the case against the private sector and for full-on government medicine – because the architect of Obamacare publicly said so.
So one is inexorably led to wonder if the Obama Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ignored for years an environmental nightmare mess in Puerto Rico – so as to make the case for even more government control.
What mess?
Puerto Rico Is Full Of ‘Open Dumps’ Ripe For Spreading Zika, And EPA’s Ignoring Them: “The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has ignored numerous reports that most of Puerto Rico’s landfills are out of compliance with federal law, and some could even become breeding grounds for mosquitoes carrying the Zika virus, according to a new report….(Puerto Rican attorney Hiram Torres) Montalvo’s hard-pressed to find a reason why the EPA, which is generally so eager to regulate every other aspect of life, has done nothing to enforce existing laws for Puerto Rico’s landfills.”
Is there evidence the Obama EPA’s incompetence was in fact willful? But of course: “My organization, Puerto Rico Limpio, has uncovered a treasure trove of documents and official correspondence that confirm Obama’s EPA purposefully ignored the law even when their own experts called the crisis an ‘imminent threat to human health and the environment.’”
Obama, Inc. – classy until the very end.
Now, thankfully, mercifully, the Obama era is over. Enter the Donald Trump Administration and its EPA head – Scott Pruitt. Whom the Left loathes: “‘Every American should be appalled that President-elect Trump just picked someone who has made a career of being a vocal defender for polluters to head our Environmental Protection Agency,’ Earthjustice President Trip Van Noppen said in an emailed statement….’Scott Pruitt running the EPA is like the fox guarding the henhouse,’ League of Conservation Voters President Gene Karpinski said in a statement. ‘The League of Conservation Voters strongly opposes this nomination and urges senators to vote against Scott Pruitt’s confirmation.’”
Obama EPA officials – loathe Pruitt: “‘It is clear that [Pruitt] will launch an unprecedented attack on basic environmental protections that will result in more pollution and illnesses for the American people,’ said…Judith Enck…EPA Regional Administrator for New York and New Jersey from 2010 until last month….’He will do permanent damage to the work of the EPA.’”
Let’s hope “he will do permanent damage to the work of the EPA” – given the Obama EPA’s willful, wanton neglect of Puerto Rico (and its turning whole rivers day-glow orange, and its serial assaults on farmers and ranchers, and…).
Won’t it be ironic and highly amusing when Pruitt – the Left’s Arch-Nemesis – uses the Trump EPA to clean up the Obama EPA’s intentional Puerto Rico mess? About which the Left for years said nothing – before exploding into unified chorus screeching in protest of Pruitt.
At his confirmation hearing, Pruitt pledged: “If confirmed, I expect to make cleanup of contaminated (Puerto Rican) land one of my priorities.”
Given the Trump Administration’s relentless adherence to keeping its word – we have much evidence to warrant confidence in Pruitt keeping his.
Pruitt absolutely should. Because it’s the right thing to do. Because it would countermand the Obama Administration’s attempt to use the EPA to undermine the private sector and expand government power – Obamacare-and-Fast-and-Furious-style.
And because it would be yet another slap to the face of Leftists everywhere.
This first appeared in Red State.