An old joke is – environmentalists are watermelons:
Green on the outside – red on the inside.
Red – as in Communist.
The US environmental movement was created – with mucho support and assistance from the Soviet Union.
The Communism Behind Environmentalism
Environmentalist Christmas – is Earth Day. Which also happens to be Communist godfather Vladimir Lenin’s birthday. Which I am sure is just a coincidence.
Environmentalism – is their perpetual excuse to block and attack all things capitalism.
Because environmentalists don’t want a capitalist economy – they want a Communist economy.
No matter how inconceivably dirty Communist economies always are.
If You Think Communism Is Bad for People, Check Out What It Did to The Environment
The Legacy of Soviet Environmental Destruction
Communist China’s Environmental Crisis
Inside Communist North Korea’s Environmental Collapse
Communist Cuba: An Ecological Disaster
No matter how much cleaner capitalist economies are.
Want to Protect the Environment? Embrace Capitalism
Only Capitalism Can Save the Planet
Because Protecting the Environment Is Important, Capitalism Should Play a Bigger Role
How Capitalism Is Better for the Environment Than the Green New Deal
Steadfastly impervious to all manner of facts and Reality, US environmentalists refuse to take “Yes” for an answer.
Even when they get everything they say they want – their answer to anything economic is “No.”
The hypocrisy – is truly titanic….
Environmental Activists Are Blocking the Clean-Up of a Polluted Mining Site In Idaho
Hold it right there. Certainly that headline – can’t be right.
“Mining company Midas Gold is seeking federal approval to resume and expand mining in the Stibnite Mining District. The area, which rests along the East Fork of the South Fork of the Salmon River in central Idaho about 125 miles northeast of Boise, is currently an EPA brownfield site….
“As part of the mining plan, known as the Stibnite Gold Project, Midas Gold has pledged to restore the site by stopping erosion, cleaning up waste dumps and toxic pits, improving water quality, and reestablishing a salmon spawning stream that has been blocked by mining activity since the 1930s….
“Midas Gold will be required to set aside tens of millions of dollars to erase much of the damage of the past and fully restore the water quality, landscape, fisheries, and natural habitat of the area. Restoration will occur side by side with operations.”
Did you get all that?
Midas Gold is not only going to clean up after itself – it’s going to clean up after all previous mining companies going back almost a hundred years.
They’re even recreating a century-gone salmon spawning run.
The environmentalists…should be thrilled. Right?
“(T)he private conservation effort will never happen if the Idaho Conservation League, Idaho Rivers United and the Nez Perce Tribe have their way. All three groups claim they want the area to be restored, but not if it takes a new mining project to do it.”
Because environmentalists don’t want a clean economy – they want a Communist economy:
“‘Even with promises of restoration and reclamation, at the end of the day, Midas Gold is still a mining company, and their main interest in Stibnite is not to restore the site, but to mine it for gold,’ the Idaho Rivers United declared in a recent press release.”
It shouldn’t matter if Midas Gold’s main interest – is to blow the biggest bubbles in bubble gum history.
If Midas Gold renders the site immaculate while chewing and blowing – the environmentalists should be thrilled.
But they’re not. Because environmentalists don’t want a clean economy:
“Sullivan lives in Yellow Pine, the closest town to the site. Yellow Pine is home to three restaurants, no gas stations, and, at last count, 32 year-round residents. The town, and the surrounding area, will see an influx of new jobs if mining resumes….
“Midas Gold estimates the mine will directly create 500 jobs for up to 15 years in an area with an unemployment rate more than 40 percent higher than the state average.”
Environmentalists want a Communist economy.
Oh – and mining halted in the late 1990s:
“(T)wo open pits gouged the earth, the area was stripped bare of topsoil, millions of tons of waste rock and tailings covered the site, and arsenic contaminated the surrounding rivers, creeks and ponds.”
After which these environmentalists have spent three decades doing…absolutely nothing at all to clean up things.
Because environmentalists don’t want solutions – they want things about which to whine.
I wonder how much money was raised by environmentalists during the intervening decades – in the name of cleaning up the mine?
About which these environmentalists did…absolutely nothing at all.
Midas Gold wants to do something. And the Nez Perce Tribe – is suing them for it:
“(C)laiming the company has violated the federal Clean Water Act. In the lawsuit, the Tribe claims Midas Gold is guilty of ‘unlawful discharge of pollutants into waters within and below their proposed Stibnite Gold Mine.’
“A 2012 report by the U.S. Geological Survey found that water pollution related to the Stibnite Mining District goes back to at least 1919, and was exacerbated when a dam ‘failed in 1965, which resulted in … debris deposits downstream.’
“Additional ‘large increases in … concentrations of arsenic, antimony, and iron [were discovered] after a renewed period of mining activity in 1982.’”
ALL of which – predates Midas Gold.
ALL of which – Midas Gold has pledged to clean up and render immaculate anyway.
“Emmit Taylor, a member of the Nez Perce Tribe who serves as director of the Tribe’s Watershed Division told Boise State Public Radio the Nez Perce refuses to support any environmental restoration tied to new mining activity in the Stibnite Mining District.”
Because of course.
Because environmentalists don’t want a clean economy – they want a Communist economy.
This first appeared in Red State.