BAD National Security Results
“Green Energy” – is neither green nor energy.
Wind, solar and the like are: “Alleged energy sources that are in many instances actually worse for the environment than real energy sources. That can’t even exist without massive and continuous government cash infusions. And that produce what little energy they do – in a woefully inefficient manner.”
Extracting the rare earths necessary for fake “green” energy – is AWFUL for the real greenery and the big blur marble on which it all stands.
Filthy ‘Green’ Future: The Dark & Toxic Side of Wind & Solar Power
Boom in Mining Rare Earths Poses Mounting Toxic Risks
And since it’s toxic going in – it’s toxic going out.
Toxic Truth: Millions of Solar Panels and Wind Turbine Blades Destined for Landfills
The Big Cover Up: Wind Industry Burying Millions of Toxic Turbine Blades In Landfills
Solar Panels Produce Tons of Toxic Waste
Oh: And you have to back up all of the fake energy – with real energy. Behind every wind and solar “farm” – are many, massive tanks of natural gas.
Oh: And to make fake energy wind turbines and solar panels – takes LOTS of real energy.
Petrochemicals: The Building Blocks for Wind and Solar Energy
So fake energy sources are nothing more than the completely unnecessary, VERY expensive, VERY dangerous middlemen – between real energy and We the Users. Because even when you’re using fake energy – you’re using real energy.
Joe Biden, Inc is force feeding fake energy down everyone’s throat.
Republicans Prepare to Fight Biden’s Climate Actions They Call ‘Divisive and Illegal’
Republicans only call them divisive and illegal – because they are divisive and illegal.
Amongst the very many gullets being ramrodded Biden’s fake greenery – is that of the Department of Defense (DoD).
How the Department of Defense Could Help Win the War on Climate Change:
“The Pentagon has a huge appetite for clean energy – and a massive budget.”
Of course, Democrats are perpetually looking to eviscerate the budget for our nation’s defense. Failing that – they want to waste as much of it as possible on fake energy.
Of course, Biden’s man to man the DoD – is all the way down with the fake energy agenda.
Climate Change Is Now a National Security Priority for the Pentagon:
“The Pentagon will begin incorporating climate analysis into its war-gaming and analysis efforts as well as featuring the issue as part of its future National Defense Strategy.
“The announcement by Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin came shortly after President Joe Biden signed a series of executive orders targeting the climate crisis.
“The Defense Department ‘will immediately take appropriate policy actions to prioritize climate change considerations in our activities and risk assessments, to mitigate this driver of insecurity. As directed by the President, we will include the security implications of climate change in our risk analyses, strategy development, and planning guidance,’ Austin said in a statement.
“‘As a leader in the interagency, the Department of Defense will also support incorporating climate risk analysis into modeling, simulation, wargaming, analysis, and the next National Defense Strategy.
“‘And by changing how we approach our own carbon footprint, the Department can also be a platform for positive change, spurring the development of climate-friendly technologies at scale.’
“‘There is little about what the Department does to defend the American people that is not affected by climate change,’ Austin concluded. ‘It is a national security issue, and we must treat it as such.’”
All of this is entirely antithetical to the DoD’s unofficial mission statement.
“The military is not a social experiment. The purpose of the military is kill people and break things. It’s not to transform the culture by trying out some ideas that some people think would make us a different country.…”
Lloyd’s surprising (shocking) rise up the ranks notwithstanding, there are a lot of military officers who do not agree with the new DoD Secretary’s new, warped military mission.
Military officers must be the kings and queens of optimum efficiency. Because when they get wasteful – their men and women die. And the nation’s security – gets a whole lot less secure.
They know the real purpose of the military. And that real purpose – requires real energy.
Any deviations or distractions from executing that purpose with maximum efficiency and effectiveness – is exceedingly dangerous.
Retired Flag Officers Sign Letter to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin on Importance of American Energy:
“(R)etired flag officers representing all four branches under the Department of Defense recently sent a letter to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin outlining the critical need for the ongoing development and transportation of U.S. energy resources.
“In the letter, the former senior military leaders encourage Secretary Austin to ‘leverage our nation’s abundant natural resources, including domestic oil and gas production and energy exports, to reassert the United States’ leadership on the global stage, strengthen our military capabilities, and further reduce our dependence on foreign suppliers and vulnerable global supply chains.’
“The letter comes after the Biden Administration’s latest policies to limit American energy production and capabilities, such as blocking the construction of new energy infrastructure and banning oil and gas development on federal lands and waters.
“While the Administration has declared climate change an existential threat to national security, the officers argue these policies are ‘equally a threat to national security and military readiness’ and that ‘Meeting our challenges tomorrow will be impossible if we forfeit America’s energy advantages today.’
“Increased domestic oil and gas production has allowed the U.S. to reduce reliance on foreign energy sources, and ‘offset mounting threats from China, Russia, and other maligned nations while strengthening our international partnerships.’
“The letter also points out the importance of traditional energy products in fueling the U.S. military, concluding:
“‘The U.S. military is dependent on fossil fuels and the transition to alternative fuels – an essential, strategic initiative – cannot offset that reality in the near term. While our military steadily makes this transition, and, for example, leads the commercial market in lithium ion battery research and development, banning natural gas and oil leases on federal lands and dismantling our nation’s pipeline network will only risk our military capabilities and readiness, now and in the immediate future.’”
Here’s hoping the very fake Biden Administration – keeps it at least a little real here.
This first appeared in Red State.