As the Left sets America on fire – let us briefly turn our attention to possible positive outcomes internationally.
The international entity for trade – is the World Trade Organization (WTO) .
The chief bottle washer at the WTO – is called the Director-General.
And the WTO is looking for a new Director-General.
WTO Leader Search Begins With U.S., EU Aiming to Move Quickly:
“The U.S. and European Union signaled they want to move rapidly to replace the head of the World Trade Organization after Director-General Roberto Azevedo unexpectedly announced plans to step down Aug. 31, a year before his term expires.
“‘It is essential that we quickly chart a new path ahead at this critical and uncertain time for trade,’ EU Trade Commissioner Phil Hogan said in a statement after Azevedo’s announcement on Thursday.”
President Donald Trump has rightly, righteously been calling for serious reforms at the seriously un-reformed WTO.
What Aspects of the WTO is the Trump Administration Targeting for Reform?:
“The two areas that the Trump administration has consistently targeted for reform at the WTO are its dispute settlement mechanism and its special treatment for developing countries.”
Let’s look at each.
Dispute Settlement Mechanism
The World Trade Organization – is basically the trade version of the United Nations.
So it is hardly surprising to find many of the WTO’s dispute settlement decisions – are anti-United States.
That’s certainly how Trump sees it:
“At the heart of the WTO is its Appellate Body (AB), which resolves conflict between member states through processes of appeals and dispute settlement. Seven members serve on the AB with four year terms that are renewable once.
“The judges are balanced to reflect a range of nationalities, but do not act on behalf of their countries.”
Seriously: How anti-human nature is it – to expect people chosen by their countries to represent their countries…to not act on behalf of their countries?
“(T)he US has objected to decisions against US anti-dumping policies. A country is considered to be ‘dumping’ when they lower export prices to undercut competition and form a monopoly in an international market.”
How does a country lower prices – to effect their monopoly-securing “dumping?”
By, say, super-subsidizing their export products:
“Sugar subsidies have driven market costs for sugar well below the cost of production.…
“Brazil controls half the global market, paying the most ($2.5 billion per year) in subsidies to its sugar industry.”
Look at that. Brazil dumps the most subsidies into sugar – and then dumps the most sugar onto the global market.
And here’s why Trump has a problem with the WTO’s rulings body:
“Retaliatory tariffs aim to bring the product up to a fair price, but the WTO has found that the US abuses them….”
Get that?
The WTO has no problem with the gross unfairness and world-market-disrupting of countries mass-subsidizing their products.
But the WTO has a huge and repeated problem with the US trying to even things out against the mass subsidies.
Oh – and who has been WTO’s Director-General since May 2013? The person we’re now looking to replace?
Roberto Azevedo – from…Brazil.
I can’t imagine why Trump doesn’t think this is fair.
Special Treatment for ‘Developing Countries’
Trump Challenges Yet Another International Trade Scam: ‘Developing Nation’ Status:
“Another WTO nation designation – is ‘developing nation.’
“In fact, “developing nation” status isn’t even decided by the WTO – it is decided by the nations themselves:
“There are no WTO definitions of ‘developed’ and ‘developing’ countries. Members announce for themselves whether they are ‘developed’ or ‘developing’ countries….
“Developing countries comprise a majority of the WTO membership….
“Developing country status in the WTO brings certain rights.”
“More like anti-free trade, anti-fair trade advantages. So of course all sorts of non-developing nations – self-proclaim ‘developing nation’ status. So as to rip off the rest of the planet.
“China is the world’s second largest economy. They have averaged nearly 10% per annum GDP growth – for over two decades.
“Yet they continue to claim ‘developing nation’ self-designation – to fraudulently milk the WTO advantages thereof.”
And guess who else self-classifies as a “developing nation?”
Why…it’s mass-subsidizing Brazil.
I can’t imagine why Trump doesn’t think this is fair.
So the US and the EU want to quickly choose a new WTO Director-General.
Choosing fast is good…I guess.
Choosing well…is much better.
I’m sure Trump is looking for a candidate who will improve the organization’s awful performances on dispute settlements and “developing nation” statuses.
Here’s hoping he finds him or her – and gets him or her ensconced in the gig.
This first appeared in Red State.