Grab Applicator
How many times has government royally messed up something? And not fired anyone? Or done anything that remotely resembles improving their performance?
Oh so very often. In part because they don’t care – once they have the power, they don’t care what happens to us. In part because they are too busy planning their next grabs.
A pristine example?
Federal Union Says (Office of Personnel Management) OPM Breach Hit Every Federal Employee
The OPM Breach Is a Catastrophe
First the government must own up to its failure. Then the feds should follow this plan to fix it.
Good luck with that.
China Blamed for Massive Breach of US Government Data
China Gets Pass from Obama on ‘Devastating’ OPM Hack
Did government yet again ignore the rules they mandate we follow?
Reacting to Chinese Hack, the Government May Not Have Followed Its Own Cybersecurity Rules
At least the government immediately realized the breach, right?
Officials: Chinese Had Access to U.S. Security Clearance Data for One Year
The considerable lag time between breach and discovery means that the adversary had more time to pull off a cyber-heist of consequence….
Well it’s just the one, right?
Second Data Hack Might Be Bigger Than First OPM Breach
The second intrusion “involved a different system and a different set of data, and I think you could logically conclude that … a larger amount of data and information was potentially affected,” (White House spokesman Josh) Earnest said.
Government vigilance – there’s nothing like it.
Obama Has Confidence in OPM Chief Despite Hack
“The president does have confidence that she is the right person for the job,” spokesman Josh Earnest told reporters.
Government accountability – there’s nothing like it.
That confidence is only possible if you’re completely delusional – or have an entirely different definition of “right” than does the rest of us.
Government’s (much) bigger priority? Lording over even more of the private sector.
McConnell to Advance Cybersecurity Legislation After Government Data Breach
(P)rivacy advocates say the bill, which would require companies to share information about breaches with the government and others in industry, gives too much power to the intelligence community.
The government massively screws up – and uses it as an excuse to execute yet another massive power grab.
As usual their priorities are totally in order.
St. Louis Cardinals Under FBI Investigation for Alleged Hack of Astros System
Do as they say – not as they do.
Evidence of government accountability abounds.
What It Takes to Get Fired From the Obama Administration
More than any of the following.
Benghazi Scandal-Benghazi Fallout – State: Staffers Shouldn’t Be Fired
ATF Director: No One Fired for Fast and Furious
Will Heads Roll? Who Gets Fired Over ObamaCare?
No one. In fact our government hires people other governments fire.
Canadian Officials Fired IT Firm Behind Troubled ObamaCare Website
Evidence of government incompetence – and capriciousness – is everywhere.
Federal Debt Soars to Over $18 Trillion
Federal Unfunded Liabilities Exceed $127 Trillion
How’s government medicine doing?
A Fatal Wait: Veterans Languish and Die on a VA Hospital’s Secret List
Medicare Faces Unfunded Liability of $38.6 Trillion
Did the government attempt to fix any of this? Of course not – it was on to the next grab.
ObamaCare’s $17 Trillion Unfunded Liability
Failures in Management Led to ObamaCare Website Woes
No Security Ever Built Into ObamaCare Site
And it’s on to the next grabs – where they can really wield their obvious technological prowess.
Network Neutrality. The government imposed it in 2007 – the D.C. Circuit court unanimously rejected it. They reimposed it in 2010 – the D.C. Circuit court again unanimously rejected it.
Having twice been told they can’t have a piece of pie – the government stole the whole bakery. And imposed 1934 landline phone law on the Internet. Because they’re technology experts.
Government Agency That Wants To Commandeer The Internet Just Had Their Website Crash – Twice
Speaking of government’s love of self-reform.
Report: ObamaPhone Program ‘Riddled With Waste, Fraud, Abuse’
The Feds Want to ‘Reform’ Fraud-Riddled ObamaPhone – By Expanding It to the Internet
Sometimes – sometimes – some governments acknowledge at least some of their limitations.
20 States Now Have Restrictions on Government Broadband
For very good and obvious reasons.
Utah Residents May Be Charged $120 a Year to Bail Out UTOPIA
UTOPIA, short for the Utah Telecommunications Open Infrastructure Agency, was conceived in 2002 as a local government-managed alternative….As of late 2012, the agency was $120 million in the red and had fewer than 10,000 customers….
There are a whole lot of UTOPIAs out there. But the Feds won’t stand for any impediment to the next grab.
Stimulus Bill Includes $7.2 Billion for Broadband
Government money to de-privatize the private sector.
What do the terrible barber and the government say? “Next.”
No repairs to the any of the myriad preceding bad haircuts and power grabs.
Full speed ahead to the next. Over, and over, and over again. And again. And….
This first appeared in Human Events and Red State.