The Veterans Administration (VA) has been a disaster since just about its inception. Because it is government-only monopoly single-payer health care. Championed by the exact same people dying to impose it on all the rest of us.
Then-Community Organizer Barack Obama:
“I happen to be a proponent of a single-payer…universal health care plan.”
“I don’t think we’re going to be able to eliminate employer coverage immediately. There’s going to potentially be some transition process.”
Does that “transition process” look like this?
Millions of Americans Are Losing Their Health Plans Because of ObamaCare
74% Of ObamaCare Sign-Ups Were Previously Insured
Meanwhile, the federal government is contemplating shoving the Internet under eerily similar government-managed monopoly regulations called Title II – so as to then impose Network Neutrality.
FCC Chairman On Net Neutrality: All Options Are On the Table
…(I)ncluding a reclassification of broadband services, something that commonly known as Title II reclassification.
About which a leading proponent says:
“At the moment, the battle over network neutrality is not to completely eliminate the telephone and cable companies. We are not at that point yet. But the ultimate goal is to get rid of the media capitalists in the phone and cable companies and to divest them from control.”
Sound familiar? They want government-regulation-time-bomb destruction of the private sector Internet – to end up with a single-payer government-only Web. Upon which the Feds have already put a down payment.
2009 Stimulus Bill Includes $7.2 Billion for Broadband
Which has worked with Veterans Administration-esque alacrity.
The Internet ‘Stimulus’-Just as Destructive as the Rest of the ‘Stimulus’
Yet Another Terrible Internet ‘Stimulus’ Project
Update: The Utter Failure of Government ‘Stimulus’
It’s been such an all-encompassing, unmitigated disaster that:
20 States Now Have Restrictions on Municipal Broadband
But will that stop the government’s roll to control? Of course not.
How’s that for respect for federalism – and the Constitution? And the Supreme Court?
…(A) 2004 US Supreme Court decision…said the Telecommunications Act “allows states to prevent municipalities from providing telecommunications services.”….
Speaking of the Telecommunications Act – it was written in 1996. Net Neutrality wasn’t even created as a concept until 2002. It is utterly absurd to argue the law authorized something that didn’t even yet exist.
Has that stopped the government? Of course not. The FCC has already twice imposed Net Neutrality – and twice the DC Circuit has unanimously rejected it.
Court Backs Comcast Over FCC on ‘Net Neutrality’
Verizon Wins Net Neutrality Court Ruling Against FCC
And yet here we are.
It’s Groundhog Day – Again: Government Taking Third Stab at Net Neutrality Power Grab
Including the Title II Reclassification threat.
Title II is the uber-regulatory superstructure where landline telephones exist. To think that the dynamic, interwoven, free speech-free market Xanadu that is the World Wide Web is JUST like the monolithic, monorail, virtually-unchanged-for-seventy-plus-years wired phone is…ridiculous on stilts. And incredibly destructive.
The Leviathan is relentless. It wants Reclassification because it would dramatically accelerate the “transition process” from a free market Internet to government-monopoly broadband.
The Court has already twice said the FCC overreached on Net Neutrality. The FCC’s response is to consider an overreach light years beyond these previous power grabs.
The Leviathan is relentless.
Editor’s Note: This first appeared in PJ Media’s PJ Tatler.